Gamifying Science Education

Coming Soon! The Labyrinths & Labs Store for Players to Spend in-World Gold

Do you miss the original Classcraft?

Classcraft was a gamification system for school classroom management and student motivation. It started in 2014 and continued until 2024. According to former President and co-founder of Classcraft Devin Young, before it’s original form was discontinued, Classcraft had reached 6 million students and educators in 165 countries. One in three schools in the United States had at least one teacher using Classcraft.

The original Classcraft tapped into the love many students have for games such as Dungeons & Dragons and World of Warcraft, as well as the fantasy genre of Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and more. 

In 2023, Classcraft as a brand was acquired by HMH. Gone is the magic: the magic of dragons, wizards, and the emphasis on gamification.

Labyrinths & Laboratories: Beta Testing the 2024-2025 School Year

17-year science teacher and award nominated author of young adult and children’s books, Jon Klement, an avid player of Dungeons & Dragons since 1982, missed the original Classcraft and the possibilities that it created for students so much that this school year, 2024-2025, he’s beta testing Labyrinths & Laboratories to fill the void in his science classroom.

Spring 2025! Moving Beyond Beta Testing!

In the coming Spring of 2025, Labyrinths & Laboratories will be launching a Kickstarter crowdfunding project to move beyond beta testing, to be able to make Labyrinths & Laboratories available to schools everywhere. Stay tuned!

Other Subjects Coming in 2025:

Labyrinths & Logarithms (Math)

Labyrinths & Lore (History)

Labyrinths & Laws (Civics)

Labyrinths & Libraries (English)

Labyrinths & Languages (Foreign Languages)

Coming Soon! The Labyrinths & Labs Store for Players to Spend in-World Gold

Labyrinths & Laboratories, Labyrinths & Logarithms, Labyrinths & Laws, Labyrinths & LIbraries, and Labyrinths & Languages are © Jon Klement 2024. All rights reserved.