Coming Soon! The Labyrinths & Labs Store for Players to Spend in-World Gold

Player Character Classes

(Players Can Find a Blank Character Sheet Here.)

(Please make a copy of the original. Don’t change the original since other playeres need it.)

Explore the World of Zorethea with your very own player character. Choose from one of four character classes. 

Warrior: Warriors protect other adventurers from physical threats. With their athleticism and martial prowess, they handle the “heavy lifting” of adventuring, confronting enemies directly. 

Warrior character concepts are incredibly diverse. Examples of Warriors in fantasy and pop culture include:

Conan the Barbarian, Aragorn the Ranger, Zorro, Zaitoichi the Blind Swordsman, King Arthur and the Knights of Camelot, archers, gunslingers, swashbucklers, gladiators, samurai, ninja, martial artists, and many more.

Mage: Mages are born with a special connection to the Magic of Zorethea. In Zorethea, magic is real, though it is in conflict socially with Science. The Society of Sorcerers Born feels threatened by the emergence of Science since ANYONE can learn science. Scientists (see below) don’t need to be born with a special magical gifting.

Examples of mage-like character concepts include the wizards of the Harry Potter series, the Lord of the Rings, Dungeons & Dragons, & more.

Healer: Healers are an important part of any adventuring group. During adventuring, accidents happen, monsters and other creatures can attacks, and not every enemy can be negotiated with. When characters are injured, its up to the healer to keep everyone on their feet.

Healer concepts could include:

A medicine man or medicine woman learned in the ancient knowledge and wisdom of their culture, someone born with mystical healing powers, a doctor who uses the new emerging Science of Zorethea to treat patients, or any concept you can think of for a character who treats the injuries of others and helps them stay healthy. 

Scientist: Science has recently begun to flourish in Zorethea. However, the fact that ANYONE can learn science is threatening to the Society of Sorcerers Born. Scientists of Zorethea have recently developed the Periodic Table of the Elements and also begun to understand genetics, paving the way for the advancement of society. 

Spring 2025! Moving Beyond Beta Testing!

In the coming Spring of 2025, Labyrinths & Laboratories will be launching a Kickstarter crowdfunding project to move beyond beta testing, to be able to make Labyrinths & Laboratories available to schools everywhere. Stay tuned!Each future version of “Labyrinths &…” will feature its own unique fourth class in addition to the standard fantasy classes of Warrior, Mage, and Healer.

Labyrinths & Logarithms (Math)–Mathematicians

Labyrinths & Lore (History)–Loremasters

Labyrinths & Laws (Civics)–Paralegals

Labyrinths & Libraries (English)–Librarians

Labyrinths & Languages (Foreign Languages)–Translators

Coming Soon! The Labyrinths & Labs Store for Players to Spend in-World Gold

Labyrinths & Laboratories, Labyrinths & Logarithms, Labyrinths & Laws, Labyrinths & LIbraries, and Labyrinths & Languages are © Jon Klement 2024. All rights reserved.